Activities at each country during the exchanges
Visit at the International Youth Library in Munich;
Visit: Timeride in Munich;
Presentations of the reading CVs of the students of each country;
Recording audio sagas from each country in mixed student groups from each country.
Activities to become acquainted with each other easily;
Presentation of each school (video and Powerpoint presentation);
Intercultural buffet to get a "taste" of each country;
Advanced staff training for evaluation methods and activities;
Presentation of the prepared evaluation tools, detailed discussion and creating some modifications;
Introduction into Etwinning (twinspace) hands-on-workshop led by Greece school to ensure confidence when using the TS as a working platform;
Work with mobility tool (introduction for new school and repetition for all coordinators) and staff training;
Session about European data security (led by Germany);
Official dinner with representatives of the Liperi school board;
Visit to Joensuu public library and to Joensuu university library with guided tour;
Planning session:
discussion and exchange of methods how to involved all students and the complete schools;
Development of criteria how to select students for the project;
Introduction how to use Europass and coach contends in words for a sensible use.
Students went on a photo hunt together in mixed international groups to get to know the team as well as the city;
Presentation of national and regional important authors followed by kahoot quiz;
Visit to the Kazantzakis museum (guided tour with hands-on-workshop about life and some selected books of the author);
Creative writing activity about a selected novel;
Hands-on-workshop by international successfull scenic designer Georgina Solo: “Introduction into colour theory: How to set the mood and create atmosphere in filmmaking using colour in production design.”
Students worked in groups on mood boards for the book “A hundred hours of night”;
A cinematization of an autobiographical story by Nikos Papandreou depicted plenty of cultural elements of Crete which all students could feel and witness while staying with their buddies;
Guided tour through the Minoan historic site of Knossos;
Museum quiz at the new Archaeological Museum in Chania;
Students presented national and/or regional important authors and their work to the group;
Kahoot quizzes proved their new knowledge.
Students wrote a timeline for the whole book “A hundred hours of night”;
They created new endings for the book (work in small groups – creative writing). These alternative endings were presented and send to the author of the book, Anna Woitz;
Hands-on-workshop on the topic “How to make a video with a smartphone”. The new knowledge was then used to make short movies about the meeting;
Museum workshop about Medieval Tallin, followed by a city tour (famous sights using ipads);
The brand new film "Melchior the Apothekary" was watched. It is closely related to the history of Tallin. The film gave the chance to relate the knowledge acquired at the folk museum. The film is based on a novel and was therefore perfectly relevant to the topic of our program, i.e. transferring literature into film;
To booster the knowledge about all five participating countries there was a quiz. Lots of common cultural and cooperative activities took place during the meeting.
The Netherlands
Visit at the Youth Library in The Hague;
Visit at Madurodam;
Workshop about making a movie out of a chapter of the book 100hours of Night, by Digital Playground;
Interview with the author Anna Woltz.
Other activities done in the countries
Workshop a round a local author;
Making a book box for the book 100Hours of Night;
Making a lesson about reading for the other countries;
Making a movie trailer for the book 100Hours of Night;
Sending Christmas Cards to each school.